Thursday, June 25, 2009

cloud vision

There are ghosts floating in your eyes, veiling your vision. I wonder how you see past them. No, don't deny it or look, startled, in the mirror. You can't see them. You've had them so long, you're no longer aware of them. Perhaps it's also that even if you do see them you've convinced yourself that they're just a figment of your imagination. But they're there. They colour your vision, everything you see, everything you look at but don't see. They have shaped your world and cloaked your dreams. They're swirling, making you dizzy even when you think your head is clear and free.

It's strange that I can see them. I don't think anyone else notices them. Perhaps a few have felt a whisper here and there but no one seems to see them like I do. But maybe that's not so strange. I do spend more time with those phantoms in your eyes than most others.

They see me too but we lead a cautious existence, devoid of acknowledgement but intensely aware. And I know one day I'll join them. Those ghosts will grow, lean out and gently pull me into your eyes. We'll sway together, all of us, forgotten, but always haunting you with the visions of the fading past.

But now... Do you see me now? How can you, past the ghosts in your eyes?

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